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7. The Button widget

To create a pushbutton in a top-level window or frame named parent:

    w = tk.Button(parent, option=value, ...)

The constructor returns the new Button widget. Its options include:

Table 5. Button widget options

activebackground Background color when the button is under the cursor.
activeforeground Foreground color when the button is under the cursor.
anchor Where the text is positioned on the button. See Section 5.5, “Anchors”. For example, anchor=tk.NE would position the text at the top right corner of the button.
bd or borderwidth Width of the border around the outside of the button; see Section 5.1, “Dimensions”. The default is two pixels.
bg or background Normal background color.
bitmap Name of one of the standard bitmaps to display on the button (instead of text).
command Function or method to be called when the button is clicked.
cursor Selects the cursor to be shown when the mouse is over the button.
default tk.NORMAL is the default; use tk.DISABLED if the button is to be initially disabled (grayed out, unresponsive to mouse clicks).
disabledforeground Foreground color used when the button is disabled.
fg or foreground Normal foreground (text) color.
font Text font to be used for the button's label.
height Height of the button in text lines (for textual buttons) or pixels (for images).
highlightbackground Color of the focus highlight when the widget does not have focus.
highlightcolor The color of the focus highlight when the widget has focus.
highlightthickness Thickness of the focus highlight.
image Image to be displayed on the button (instead of text).
justify How to show multiple text lines: tk.LEFT to left-justify each line; tk.CENTER to center them; or tk.RIGHT to right-justify.
overrelief The relief style to be used while the mouse is on the button; default relief is tk.RAISED. See Section 5.6, “Relief styles”.
padx Additional padding left and right of the text. See Section 5.1, “Dimensions” for the possible values for padding.
pady Additional padding above and below the text.
relief Specifies the relief type for the button (see Section 5.6, “Relief styles”). The default relief is tk.RAISED.
repeatdelay See repeatinterval, below.
repeatinterval Normally, a button fires only once when the user releases the mouse button. If you want the button to fire at regular intervals as long as the mouse button is held down, set this option to a number of milliseconds to be used between repeats, and set the repeatdelay to the number of milliseconds to wait before starting to repeat. For example, if you specify “repeatdelay=500, repeatinterval=100” the button will fire after half a second, and every tenth of a second thereafter, until the user releases the mouse button. If the user does not hold the mouse button down at least repeatdelay milliseconds, the button will fire normally.
state Set this option to tk.DISABLED to gray out the button and make it unresponsive. Has the value tk.ACTIVE when the mouse is over it. Default is tk.NORMAL.
takefocus Normally, keyboard focus does visit buttons (see Section 53, “Focus: routing keyboard input”), and a space character acts as the same as a mouse click, “pushing” the button. You can set the takefocus option to zero to prevent focus from visiting the button.
text Text displayed on the button. Use internal newlines to display multiple text lines.
textvariable An instance of StringVar() that is associated with the text on this button. If the variable is changed, the new value will be displayed on the button. See Section 52, “Control variables: the values behind the widgets”.
underline Default is -1, meaning that no character of the text on the button will be underlined. If nonnegative, the corresponding text character will be underlined. For example, underline=1 would underline the second character of the button's text.
width Width of the button in letters (if displaying text) or pixels (if displaying an image).
wraplength If this value is set to a positive number, the text lines will be wrapped to fit within this length. For possible values, see Section 5.1, “Dimensions”.

Methods on Button objects:


Causes the button to flash several times between active and normal colors. Leaves the button in the state it was in originally. Ignored if the button is disabled.


Calls the button's command callback, and returns what that function returns. Has no effect if the button is disabled or there is no callback.