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2. A minimal application

Here is a trivial Tkinter program containing only a Quit button:

#!/usr/bin/env python      1
import Tkinter as tk       2

class Application(tk.Frame):              3
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)   4
        self.grid()                       5

    def createWidgets(self):
        self.quitButton = tk.Button(self, text='Quit',
            command=self.quit)            6
        self.quitButton.grid()            7

app = Application()                       8
app.master.title('Sample application')    9
app.mainloop()                            10
1 This line makes the script self-executing, assuming that your system has Python correctly installed.
2 This line imports the Tkinter module into your program's namespace, but renames it as tk.
3 Your application class must inherit from Tkinter's Frame class.
4 Calls the constructor for the parent class, Frame.
5 Necessary to make the application actually appear on the screen.
6 Creates a button labeled “Quit”.
7 Places the button on the application.
8 The main program starts here by instantiating the Application class.
9 This method call sets the title of the window to “Sample application”.
10 Starts the application's main loop, waiting for mouse and keyboard events.